not a difficult decision. With the arrival of warmer days comes the need to
turn on the air conditioner. In our family that begins the battle to control
the thermostat.
On a typical day, a family member walks
into the house, turns off the ceiling fan, and adjusts the thermostat. In response,
I say, “Get a jacket,” while I turn the fan and air conditioner back on, and threaten
to install a lock box over the wonderful temperature-regulating device. The exercise
reminds me of a question a preacher once posed, “Are you a thermometer or a
A thermometer simply reports the
temperature of the atmosphere, its mercury rising and falling accordingly; while
a thermostat sets the temperature.
A thermometer Christian gauges the atmosphere
of the room then adjusts his opinions, language and attitude to reflect the
majority. His actions mirror that of the group. Thermometer Christians conform
to their surroundings.
In comparison, a thermostat Christian
changes the environment. He does not fluctuate or compromise his values regardless
of who is present. Additionally, the thermostat Christian maintains a cool head
even among hot tempers. Thermostat Christians transform their surroundings.
Without a connection to a power source,
an air conditioner’s thermostat is ineffective. Thermostat Christians, people
who desire to change the atmosphere of a home, workplace, school, or world know
they must remain connected to God, the source of all power. Their ability to
remain steadfast even if all around them shifts comes from the One referred to
in Jeremiah 32:17, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth
by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”
Jeremiah 32:17
So, are you a thermometer Christian or a
thermostat Christian? It shouldn’t be a difficult decision.
Ronny may be
reached at