Thursday, March 19, 2009

Moving On

Just when I thought that the rest of the drive from Houston was going to be smooth sailing, traffic came to a complete stop. The only cars moving were the ones using a dirt path on the side of the interstate that was connected to the service road. My friend and traveling companion, Linda Green, and I decided to join the cars in motion. The service road quickly ended and we had a decision to make. "Head east," Linda suggested, "we'll find a major highway. They are usually near the interstate."
Wow! I was impressed, but not surprised. Throughout our six days in Houston, I referred to Linda as my navigational friend. Between Linda and the people at OnStar, we found places to shop, places to eat, and we even found the way to and from the conference we were there to attend. Now, we were just trying to get home.
Once on Highway 12, we called our husbands to ask if they had any suggestions, picked up delicious hamburgers from a gas station in Vidor, and drove on, enjoying the scenic route.
I should not have been surprised by Linda's navigational skills, or her ability to get us out of stalled traffic. In the four short months that I have known her, God has used Linda to not just get me moving again, but moving in the right direction.
The first time that we had lunch she said, "You should write a book." I smiled, took another bite of the cheesecake we were sharing, and wondered how she knew of my dream.
Without knowing how much I miss teaching a Bible study, she used a conversation following our second lunch to say, "I think that you could speak at a ladies' meeting."
Then, during our third lunch date (I know, I know, we eat a lot!) Linda asked me to attend a Christian Writers and Speakers Seminar in Houston led by Florence Littauer. CLASSeminar was so much more than I expected, and just what I needed. The lessons were relevant, the challenges shook me from my comfort zone, and the people with whom I shared those days left precious, lasting impressions upon my life.
Wherever you are, may God place a navigational friend on your path. May He send someone to encourage you to keep moving, and gently point you in the right direction. In the words of an old song, may we continue to "see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day." And may we all be used by Him to spur others on in their journeys.
Happy Trails!
Ronny Michel

©2009 Ronny Michel - May be forwarded in its entirety including copyright line.


  1. Great first post Ronny! I praise the Lord for the friends, old and new, that He has placed in my life to share the journey!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Awesome post, Ronny! I can hear your sweet voice while I'm reading it. I love my navigational friends too. They make the journey less stressful, don't they?

    Barbara Oden

  3. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!
