Thursday, December 9, 2010

What Would You Like?

My frantic search for breakfast items finally ended when I discovered a few packets of instant grits. The little milk remaining in the refrigerator became hot chocolate, and Voila, breakfast was served.
I immediately sat down to write a grocery list, which took much more time than the preparation of breakfast. Geoffrey appeared in the kitchen, so I asked my son, “What would you like me to cook for dinner?” I was desperate for ideas.
“I don’t know,” he said as he glanced at the bowl of grits, made an about face and walked out of the kitchen saying, “It really doesn’t matter to me.”
Seconds later, Victoria came down the stairs and made her appearance. I repeated my question. “Hamburger Helper!” she instantly replied.
“What?” I asked, surprised at her answer.
I was expecting her to say gumbo, roast, or shrimp stew. As a child, she never wanted to order from the kid’s menu. She didn’t like lettuce, and would remind me by saying, “Tell them not to put salad on my hamburger.” And once, when she was far too young, I thought, to know the difference in beverages, she ordered a Coke.
“Is Pepsi okay?” the waiter said.
“No, it’s not,” she calmly said. “I want Coke.”
As soon as Geoffrey heard her request for Hamburger Helper, he rushed into the kitchen saying, “Victoria, you could have answered anything. Never ask for Hamburger Helper when you can ask for anything.” Wow! I guess suddenly dinner mattered to him. He quickly turned to me as he continued, “Mom, how about Imperial Chicken? Can you cook that tonight?” I could almost see him trying to push the Hamburger Helper idea from my brain.
Deciding not to mention that at least Victoria had an idea, I added a few more items to my list, put down my pen, and started to pray. Something about my early morning conversation with Geoffrey and Victoria had brought the words from James 4:2 to mind, “You do not have because you do not ask God.”
Lately my prayers have been very general and even mundane. Just because I haven’t yet received an answer to past prayers shouldn’t deter me from continuing to pray. I’m provoked to prayer by the encouragement of Jesus in Matthew 7:7, “Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
That afternoon, following a very long shopping trip, I began dinner. Imperial Chicken with a side of Hamburger Helper. Why not?
Ronny may be reached at

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love you! I love reading these its like a window into your life and heart thank you for sharing and encouraging! Angelle LeBouef
