Friday, January 4, 2013


          We  have relived Christmas every night since December 25. It's really Victoria's fault. While in the midst of trying to come up with unique gifts sure to please my youngest, baby of the family, child we weren't supposed to have, vegetarian, recycler, animal advocate, coffee connoisseur, old soul daughter, she made one remark I took as a personal challenge. "Remember when I wanted a telescope?"
            I found one the next day. Online. Great deal. Grabbed a credit card, typed in a little information, and imagined the Christmas morning joy. I wasn’t at all disappointed when she opened her gift. As a bonus, her excitement was matched by my son-in-law's. It didn't take long for Frank to assemble Victoria's latest gadget. They ran outside to see what they could see. Apparently they could see a lot, which prompted Victoria's comment, "I may not have gotten a Michael Kors watch, but with this telescope I can watch Michael Kors."
            It was all going as I had planned until Victoria approached me later in the day and asked, "I love my telescope, but what made you buy it?"
            "Are you kidding me? Isn't it the thing you've always wanted?"
            "Yes," she answered. "When I was eight. But I really do love it!" It seems we all do.
Every night now, we take turns star-gazing and examining the surface of the moon. Frank even found Saturn, or so we think.
            King David may have spent a few nights under the stars before he wrote Psalm 19, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."
            With or without a telescope, it's impossible for me to look up into the night without thinking of the God Who created it all. Victoria's telescope just brings the beauty of the heavens a little closer. And isn't that what the first Christmas did? Didn't it bring Jesus, the bright Morning Star, a little closer to us? And shouldn't we look to Him, not just on Christmas Day, but every day?
            Let's relive Christmas, appreciating the life of Jesus, every day. And while we do that, Frank will likely continue to anticipate next year as he wonders, "What did Victoria want when she was nine? I can't wait to find out!"
Ronny may be reached at

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