Friday, December 20, 2013

Reading Christmas Cards

It’s a beautiful  picture. An angel trumpeting the arrival of the Baby Who brings joy to our world. All of the Christmas cards are beautiful. Whether engraved, glittered, colorful or monochromatic, the messages of good wishes, personal stories and family photos have been filling my mailbox. What should I do with these cards once the season has passed?  I have an idea. I’m going to share them with my grand-daughters all year long.
Both Adeline and Olivia love books, though rare is the time they allow me to read one from start to finish. They prefer to flip through the pages and point to the pictures, especially when it’s a picture of a baby. When the first few Christmas greetings arrived in the mail I immediately thought of how much the girls would enjoy the cards, especially the ones with pictures of family and friends. The sentiments on the cards are much shorter than books. Sharing them will be a good way to retell the story of Christmas while remembering people who are dear to us.
Admittedly, my ideas don’t always play out well in real life. Hopefully this one will go as planned. If so, this time next year, Adeline and Olivia will be as familiar with the Christmas story as they are with Corduroy the Bear.
I love the Christmas story. Life must have looked pretty good to Mary before the angel's visit. Her engagement to Joseph was probably the fulfillment of her dream. Then the Holy Spirit surrounded her, the power of God overshadowed her, and Jesus, the Word in flesh, was implanted in her. Her dream was about to take on incredible new dimensions.  The Word inside of her caused her to grow, but not just physically. He changed her plans, and challenged the thinking of those with whom she was in contact.
            A few months later, while most of the world was sleeping, she brought forth Life. Because there was no room elsewhere, Jesus, the Light of the world, was humbly born in a stable. The One Who had already changed her was about to shake the community, and eventually the world.
            While the story of Jesus' life on Earth begins with Christmas, it doesn't end there. He didn't remain in the manger. Jesus grew, leading a sinless life as He taught, healed, delivered, and loved. He then became the ultimate sacrifice as He willingly died on the cross for our sins.
            As this story is told and retold, I am always challenged. Have I made room in my heart for Jesus? Will I allow Him to change me, enlarge my vision, and challenge my thoughts?
            Just as in the time of Mary, there are many people living good lives, dreaming good dreams, and making commonsense plans. But do they know the story? The entire Christmas story of the Greatest Gift? Adeline and Olivia will. And they’ll see the beautiful pictures.
Ronny may be reached at

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