Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lost and Found

            I’ve lived in La Place, La. since November, 1981. That’s a long time to get to know an area. Nevertheless, I recently got lost in one of the subdivisions. I was just doing a good deed—picking up my granddaughter from the sitter—when one wrong turn led to many others and I didn’t know where I was.
            When my phone rang, I cringed to see that my daughter Monique was calling.
            “Where are you?” she asked.
            “I have no idea,” I admitted.
            “Did you get Olivia?”
            “Oh, yes, she’s in the car.”
            “Mom, I only live two blocks from the sitter.”
            “Your point?”
            That’s when I looked up and saw the steeple of a nearby church.
            “Wait a minute,” I told Monique. “I can see the church. I’ll just drive toward it and once I get there, I’ll know my way.”
            As I drove from the familiar church to Monique’s home, I thought of how often I’ve lost my way, not in winding subdivisions, but in life.
            Sometimes, I allow negative circumstances to close in on me and if I stay in that baffled state for too long, it’s tough to find my way back to joy. Other times, it’s careless wrong turns, decisions, or words, that lead to confusion. Then there’s the daily challenge to stay on track with goals, and not be swayed by distractions, so I can arrive at my desired destination.
            But regardless of my problem, for me, the solution is always the same. I look up to God. I find my way back to Him, and He always shows me the way.

Ronny may be reached at

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