Friday, March 16, 2012

Living Life

It's not that we're bored at home, restless, or even that we have an enormous amount of energy. Aunt Judy and I like to make the most out of every day because we both know what it's like to be uncertain about tomorrow.
Although tomorrow is not promised to anyone, it's a little different when a doctor enters the room and only confirms what you weary body has been telling you: without medical and Divine intervention, you will soon die. The fight to survive begins immediately and ordinary daily events take on extraordinary significance.
Although it's been almost twenty years since God mercifully delivered me from leukemia, and five years since Aunt Judy received a healthy liver, our appreciation for life
has not dimmed.
When I was in the hospital all those years ago, a therapist came to visit.
"Are you worried about money? Are you afraid to buy things?" she asked.
"Oh, no," I said. There wasn't much I could do about the growing hospital bill, so worrying about it was pointless. "On the rare day I'm able to shop with my children, if they ask for something I say, 'Sure. Buy two.'" (Let's just say fiscal responsibility has never been my strong point.)
"What about the dust on the top shelves? Does that bother you now?"
"Let me assure you. It never bothered me before, and it certainly doesn’t bother me now." (Is it too late to add housekeeping to the list of my weaknesses? Was my husband the one who sent this therapist to me?)
It was during those days in the hospital when priorities became the clearest. Those already in their proper place were solidified and others realigned. I'm sure it's the reason why Aunt Judy and Uncle Pie are at so many of their grandchildren's events, or why Aunt Judy and I rarely say no to invitations to lunch, shop, visit someone in the hospital, or watch a ball game. It's why we not only enjoy and plan, but prioritize time with family and friends. We want to really live every day of our lives.
As Christians, we both believe and encourage others to embrace John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." However, sometimes I think we forget that eternal life begins immediately. It's okay to enjoy our lives before we enter Heaven. The Word of God is rich with promises of an abundant, overcoming life now, even in the midst of our day to day challenges and responsibilities.
Although my list of goals and objectives continues to grow and is altered to keep pace with life's changes, I can summarize my aim with one sentence. Love God unreservedly; love people unconditionally. I'm sure Aunt Judy would agree.